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Shock Horror! - Samsung innovation team finds people don’t buy innovation…

In my time in the Samsung Product Innovation Team (PIT) we've tested 100’s of concepts on many 1000’s of poten

tial clients. We had a clear methodology (thank you Andrea Mayer), checking multiple aspects of every concept -

- Did people like and understand the idea

- Did they agree the core insight

- How innovative did they feel it was

- How relevant it was to them

- How much they were likely to purchase & for how much?

After a while, with 1000’s of data points, we(thank you Luke Mansfield ) decided to ask the data a simple question -

What attribute of concepts most aligned with propensity to purchase and willingness to pay(price point)?

What we found was…

how innovative a concept was did not correlate with how much people wanted to buy it and more importantly - how much they were willing to pay for it!


What did correlate clearly was - How relevant the concept was to them.

A big shout out to my old team mates - the original Samsung PIT - miss you always.

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